Home / Artistic biography and personality
Domenico Magazù has already attracted so many collectors and lovers
of figurative and verist art.
He was born in Mondovì (Cuneo). Since he was a boy he had a particular
interest in drawing and painting. It increased in time and from the very beginning
he became closer to nature and his palette more peculiar.
The friendship with painters like Pirotti, Mana, Remigante, Libero Nada and
the study of the great painters of the past made sure that Mister Magazù
found the right atmosphere to his artistic dreams, a true, poetic and lasting
As far as we know, art is not within everyone reach: it is a theory to discredit.
Both the painter and the observer has to pay a price and, in this case, Mister
Magazù paid more than he thought, but he succeeded in satisfying his
On one of his art exhibition pamphlet we can read: ”Between the ecstasy,
the cosmic perceptions, the futuristic messages of the so called modern painting,
Mister Magazù wanted, want and will want to remain a verist painter”.
As we get to know the painter and his way of painting, mostly about the landscape
art, we are able to find out his feelings of frankness, his clearness and
his joy of living.
Everything in order to admire and love the daily, to listen to the misterious
voices of nature and answer with romantic brush-strokes in his peculiar way
of painting.
His favourite themes range over many fields, from green valleys, high mountains,
silvery rivers, countries and warm houses where man and nature are not in
antithesis, but talk together combining with singleness of purpose. So paintings
as “Vecchia Dogliani”, “Soleil Couchant” or “Colori
d’autunno” consciously or not recall ancient rhytmes. In front
of the blank canvas both the painter and the observer stand still, the first
one to remember us an upright world, the second one happy to see and appreciate
what, thanks to Master Magazù’s high sensitiveness, is surrounding
us and has to be supported.
Boè - Periodico bimestrale di informazione Artistica e Cultura-nov./dic.2009
Boè - Periodico bimestrale di informazione Artistica e Cultura –gen/febb.2010
Boè - Periodico bimestrale di informazione Artistica e Cultura – marzo/aprile 2010
Boè - Periodico bimestrale di informazione Artistica e Cultura –maggio/giugno 2010
Boè - Periodico bimestrale di informazione Artistica e Cultura – luglio /agosto 2010